In which I talk about the joys of painting, drawing, knitting, cats, music, living in London, and whatever else takes my fancy.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New spring wardrobe day 2

Today I decided on some lovely silky mid-blue stockings; a pair of soft grey knee length socks with sea-green dragonflies on them; and some snuggly pink cotton socks with a crochet top for those evenings when I am at home and it is too chilly to go bare foot!


Deb said...

wow. what a great idea clare. i also started drawing socks in march for my first zine. how many spring wardrobes are you doing? dx.

clare said...

Hi ladysnail - the plan is to do 12 items, up to the end of March, taking note of being away for easter. It's so much fun doing these : ) Cx