In which I talk about the joys of painting, drawing, knitting, cats, music, living in London, and whatever else takes my fancy.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

More hats especially for Toby

I've not done very much drawing at all since my last post: all I have done has been sketching out ideas for knitting! Most of them have been stitch ideas for the smoothie hats, but some are for another project which will be shown soon. Knitting rocks! It's being a real pleasure to re-connect with a favourite hobby since I learnt how to knit when I was six years old. Toby Attrill ( asked me about the size of the smoothie hats, so I've put one onto an empty smoothie bottle to demonstrate. The downside of the hats project is that I don't enjoy making the pompoms to put on the top. Maybe I'll make some more crochet flowers, or even tassels.

1 comment:

natural attrill said...

WOW! What a great idea!!
