In which I talk about the joys of painting, drawing, knitting, cats, music, living in London, and whatever else takes my fancy.

Monday, August 27, 2007

arches and another paintbox

I've been away again, and have photographed several arches and other views looking through spaces, it seems, so I'm guessing there is some kind of fairy tale idea developing in my subconcious for painting soon.

I've also added another paintbox to my collection - a lecherpentier barbe which needs a lot of cleaning


Chris.P said...

That's weird Clare, yesterday I was looking for images of stone arches for my Travelling Sketchbook illustration.

ps, I'm about to post the '8 random things' reply on my blog.

natural attrill said...

Laurence made some beautiful garden doors similar to those in the second of your photographs, his were made from green oak but had more of a smooth curve at the top.

Anil P said...

Arches have always fascinated me, more so with overgrown bush.