In which I talk about the joys of painting, drawing, knitting, cats, music, living in London, and whatever else takes my fancy.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

attempting to make links

Today has been rather a write off so far as working has been concerned, due to complete disruption in my flat to enable new fridge-freezer to be delivered and old one removed. The good news: new one is masses quieter. Only constructive thing I have achieved today creatively has been to assemble using spray mount the dummy book I am colouring on the Tube. I am pleased about this because it will make the book easier to work in.

I have also been on a bit of a mission to try to figure out how to make links to other blogs, and think I may have succeeded in making links to paula bowles and chichi parish. 'Won't know for sure until later. If the links do work, I will add some more soon.

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